
High-Flying SEO Success for

Another delightful collab with a very skillful tech strategist, Ansgar Frankenberg / MMEHR, on behalf of Boris Traskov, engineer consultant and entrepreneur with an extensive track record of accomplishments within the robotics and UAV sector. Our joint effort was dedicated to enhancing the SEO of a cutting-edge platform catering to professionals across Europe – a drone rental service.



Gain in organic traffic during the second semester after launch, and a +327% surge of impressions (Source: Google Search Console).



Out of 130 keywords analyzed, 44 have reached the top 3 ranks on Google 1 year after launch (Source: Semrush).

Overview is a professional drone rental platform catering to customers in Germany and across European countries. The project’s SEO mission was to provide comprehensive support during the website’s development phase and subsequently optimize its performance upon launch. The website, built on WordPress, features an online drone rental catalog, service description pages, an FAQ, a blog, and is available in multiple languages.

SEO strategy for drone rental service in Germany


The primary goal of the SEO strategy for was to enhance the site’s visibility and organic search performance. The strategy focused on leveraging user-centric and geolocated approaches to effectively target both high-demand industry-related keywords and location-specific search queries.


  • Keyword Research

A comprehensive keyword analysis was conducted to identify the most relevant and high-performing target keywords. The research revealed that keywords related to specific industry sectors were particularly popular. This insight drove the decision to expand the site’s architecture by creating new pages targeting industries likely to require drone rental services.

  • SEO-Friendly Content strategy

In alignment with the keyword research, new pages were developed to showcase the potential applications of drone rentals in various industries such as real estate or construction. These pages provided valuable information about how drones could benefit each sector, thus aligning the content with user intent and increasing the likelihood of attracting organic traffic. In addition, feature-oriented pages were deployed to highlight usages that are relevant for several industries (aerial photography and cinematography is one, for example).

  • Geolocated SEO

To maximize the site’s visibility on search engine results pages, a geolocated SEO approach was adopted. This involved targeting location-specific keywords that were less competitive yet highly relevant to the drone rental business. By doing so, the site could capture users searching for drone rental services in specific regions.

  • Technical SEO and Site Structure

In addition to content optimization, technical SEO improvements were made to ensure the website was search engine-friendly. This included optimizing page loading speed, implementing schema markup for better search engine understanding, and ensuring mobile responsiveness for a seamless user experience.

SEO for a drone rental service operating in Europe and based in Germany


The SEO strategy for successfully contributed to enhancing the website’s online visibility and organic search performance. By incorporating both user-centric and geolocated approaches, the site was able to capture valuable organic traffic from users seeking drone rental services across various industries and locations. The expansion of content to address specific sectors not only attracted relevant visitors but also established the site as an authoritative resource in the drone rental niche.

The SEO strategy for effectively combined industry-specific targeting and geolocated optimization to drive organic traffic and establish the website’s online presence in a competitive market. This approach ensured that the website would consistently attract potential customers seeking drone rental services in both specific industries and geographic locations.

Diving deeper into SEO triumphs: unveiling more business wins!


95% Surge in Organic Traffic for an Eco-Guide Within Just 2 Weeks

Alongside Sandrine Dufour, I had the great pleasure of collaborating with a team of superstars, such as Arnaud Hiltzer from Hello Emotion & Yves Saint Lary, to enhance the SEO of the web version of WAG, an eco-coach in both mobile app and website formats, conceptualized by WWF-France. Bursting with an array of guides, tips, and inspiration, WAG aims to seamlessly integrate ecological practices into everyday routines.

Safran Blagnac, Toulouse

A Fresh Breeze Blows on Safran European Works Council's Communication

The Safran European Works Council recognizes the critical role that effective communication plays in engaging stakeholders and fostering a stronger connection. To achieve this objective, we teamed up with Sandrine Dufour to propose an encompassing solution that leverages Mailchimp's advanced capabilities to overhaul their newsletter distribution and contact collection processes. This business case outlines the scope, approach, and benefits of our proposal, guiding Safran EWC toward an innovative and impactful communication strategy.

miam clothing omnichannel marketing audit

Guiding an online retailer to a more user-centric and data-driven approach

Miam Clothing is a new Finnish fashion label whose team was planning to step up their sales and marketing game. However, juggling all the marketing channels was tedious and wasting the company's resources. Together with the retail agency Werk, we rallied around this emerging designer and created an omnichannel evaluation with 2 clear goals in mind: empowering Miam to create a profitable seamless customer experience and finding the most cost-efficient strategy to get customers. Read more about this new project.

95% Surge in Organic Traffic for WWF eco-guide

Enhancing SEO and User Experience of We Act for Good

Alongside the SEO expert Sandrine Dufour, I had the great pleasure of collaborating with a team of superstars, such as Arnaud Hiltzer from Hello Emotion & Yves Saint Lary, to enhance the SEO of the web version of WAG, an eco-coach in both mobile app and website formats, conceptualized by WWF-France.



2 weeks after launching, the website could enjoy a significant increase in overall organic traffic (source: Matomo)



During the same period, keywords related to “recipes” witnessed impressive growth, with up to +300% impressions and +273% clicks (source: Google Search Console)

Project Background

The WAG platform, launched by WWF-France in 2018 as a mobile application, offers eco-friendly actions, cooking recipes, tutorials, and quizzes to those who seek to make a positive impact but are unsure of where to start.


  • Non-indexable Content: The application’s content wasn’t indexable by search engine robots, limiting organic traffic potential.
  • Content Sharing: Users without the app faced difficulty accessing shared content on social media platforms.
  • Overloaded Content: Users reported content overload within the application, leading to navigation challenges.


A three-phase approach was taken to address these challenges

  • Website Creation: Developing a media-rich, eco-conceptualized website using WordPress, guided by the Green It association’s eco-design principles.
  • Application Optimization: Improving the mobile app’s user experience.
  • Website Optimization: Enhancing user journeys and SEO performance.

Project Execution

The website’s eco-design followed best practices, minimizing page resources to improve loading times, thus enhancing SEO performance. Pages, skillfully crafted by Yves Saint Lary, were designed to be visually dynamic while maintaining minimal image usage, resulting in improved loading times.

Image credit: Yves Saint Lary

SEO Implementation

  • Keyword Identification: Identifying relevant keywords for improved search visibility.
  • Title and Meta Description Optimization: Optimizing titles and meta descriptions for increased click-through rates.
  • Introduction Paragraphs: Adding introductory paragraphs to enhance content context.
  • Structured Data Integration: Incorporating microdata for enriched search results.
  • Internal Linking Automation: Implementing thematic internal linking blocks to enhance user navigation.
  • Conversion Tracking: Setting up conversion tracking using Matomo and Google Analytics.

Results Achieved

Within two weeks of implementation, notable improvements were observed:

  • +95% Organic Traffic: A significant increase in overall organic traffic.
  • Rich Results: Rich results, including “how to” and recipe-related rich results, started appearing.
  • Keyword Impressions and Clicks: Keywords related to “recipes” witnessed impressive growth, with up to +300% impressions and +273% clicks.
  • Additional Themes: Keywords related to supplementary themes such as “vege,” “vegan,” and “ecolo” exhibited between +365% and +590% impressions, and between +300% and +800% clicks.

This collaboration not only amplified the online presence of WAG but also contributed to the broader mission of introducing eco-friendly practices into daily routines. To know more, read as well the excellent recap written by Yves in French, Déploiement du média web d’un coach écolo We Act for Good (WAG) or check the video below.

Unlock the Power of Visibility: If you’re in Helsinki and in search of an SEO specialist, your quest ends here. Elevate your online presence and reach new heights with our tailored SEO solutions. Get noticed, get results! Hit me up.

Diving deeper into SEO triumphs: unveiling more business wins!

SEO strategy for drone rental service in Germany

High-Flying SEO Success for

Another delightful collab with Ansgar Frankenberg from MMEHR, a skillful tech strategist, on behalf of Boris Traskov, an engineer consultant and entrepreneur with an extensive track record of accomplishments within the robotics and UAV sector. Our joint effort was dedicated to enhancing the SEO of a cutting-edge platform catering to professionals across Europe – a drone rental service. Join us as we delve into the realm of innovation and optimization, where technology meets strategy to elevate the visibility of this remarkable venture.

Safran Blagnac, Toulouse

A Fresh Breeze Blows on Safran European Works Council's Communication

The Safran European Works Council recognizes the critical role that effective communication plays in engaging stakeholders and fostering a stronger connection. To achieve this objective, we teamed up with Sandrine Dufour to propose an encompassing solution that leverages Mailchimp's advanced capabilities to overhaul their newsletter distribution and contact collection processes. This business case outlines the scope, approach, and benefits of our proposal, guiding Safran EWC toward an innovative and impactful communication strategy.

miam clothing omnichannel marketing audit

Guiding an online retailer to a more user-centric and data-driven approach

Miam Clothing is a new Finnish fashion label whose team was planning to step up their sales and marketing game. However, juggling all the marketing channels was tedious and wasting the company's resources. Together with the retail agency Werk, we rallied around this emerging designer and created an omnichannel evaluation with 2 clear goals in mind: empowering Miam to create a profitable seamless customer experience and finding the most cost-efficient strategy to get customers. Read more about this new project.

A Fresh Breeze Blows on Safran European Works Council’s Communication

Together with Sandrine Dufour, we’ve been approached by the Safran European Works Council (EWC) with a strategic goal—to revitalize their communication efforts by modernizing their existing newsletter for a more efficient futur.

The Safran EWC recognizes the critical role that effective communication plays in engaging stakeholders and fostering a stronger connection. To achieve this objective, we proposed an encompassing solution that leverages Mailchimp’s advanced capabilities to overhaul their newsletter distribution and contact collection processes. This business case outlines the scope, approach, and benefits of our proposal, guiding Safran EWC toward an innovative and impactful communication strategy.


The Safran European Works Council aims to modernize its communication strategy by revamping its newsletter. The newsletter serves as the primary communication tool and holds a pivotal role in engaging stakeholders effectively.


The newsletter lacked modern features, and its outreach and engagement have been hindered due to outdated design and functionality. There was also a need to enhance the process of collecting contacts and emails for newsletter distribution.

Marketing mission for Safran EWC

Proposed Solution

To address these challenges, we propose the implementation of a comprehensive solution that involves the utilization of Mailchimp, an online marketing platform, to manage the newsletter distribution and contact collection process. The solution encompasses the following steps:

Initial Setup and Information Gathering

Platform Setup

  • Creation of a Mailchimp account to manage the newsletter distribution.
  • Design of a newsletter template to be used as a model for future communications.
  • Development of a webpage with a subscription form that can be shared with potential subscribers to collect their emails and consent.
  • Implementation of private data policy and cookie banner to ensure GDPR compliance.

Testing and Validation

  • Internal testing of all aspects of the setup. Delivery of a test newsletter for validation.

Training and Documentation

  • Training of the Safran EWC team on using the new platform effectively.
  • Provision of documentation for future reference and training.


  • Modernized newsletter design and layout.
  • Streamlined process for collecting contacts and emails.
  • Enhanced outreach and engagement with stakeholders.
  • GDPR-compliant data management


The proposed solution to modernize the Safran European Works Council newsletter through Mailchimp integration offers a comprehensive approach to enhance communication, engagement, and contact collection. By implementing this solution, Safran EWC can achieve improved communication effectiveness and engagement with its stakeholders. If you are facing a similar challenge with your internal communication process and strategy, or if your goal is to grow your SEO traffic, let’s get in touch.

Diving deeper into SEO triumphs: unveiling more business wins!

SEO strategy for drone rental service in Germany

High-Flying SEO Success for

Another delightful collab with Ansgar Frankenberg from MMEHR, a skillful tech strategist, on behalf of Boris Traskov, an engineer consultant and entrepreneur with an extensive track record of accomplishments within the robotics and UAV sector. Our joint effort was dedicated to enhancing the SEO of a cutting-edge platform catering to professionals across Europe – a drone rental service. Join us as we delve into the realm of innovation and optimization, where technology meets strategy to elevate the visibility of this remarkable venture.


95% Surge in Organic Traffic for an Eco-Guide Within Just 2 Weeks

Alongside Sandrine Dufour, I had the great pleasure of collaborating with a team of superstars, such as Arnaud Hiltzer from Hello Emotion & Yves Saint Lary, to enhance the SEO of the web version of WAG, an eco-coach in both mobile app and website formats, conceptualized by WWF-France. Bursting with an array of guides, tips, and inspiration, WAG aims to seamlessly integrate ecological practices into everyday routines.

miam clothing omnichannel marketing audit

Guiding an online retailer to a more user-centric and data-driven approach

Miam Clothing is a new Finnish fashion label whose team was planning to step up their sales and marketing game. However, juggling all the marketing channels was tedious and wasting the company's resources. Together with the retail agency Werk, we rallied around this emerging designer and created an omnichannel evaluation with 2 clear goals in mind: empowering Miam to create a profitable seamless customer experience and finding the most cost-efficient strategy to get customers. Read more about this new project.

Omni-channel evaluation for Miam Clothing

Miam Clothing is a new Finnish fashion label whose team was planning to step up their sales and marketing game. However, juggling all the marketing channels was tedious and wasting the company’s resources. Together with the retail agency Werk, we rallied around this emerging designer and created an omnichannel evaluation with 2 clear goals in mind: Empowering Miam to create a profitable seamless customer experience and find the most cost-efficient strategy to get customers. Read more about this new project.

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We discovered 39 opportunities for Miam to improve all the steps of the customer journey, from becoming more accessible to providing a stellar customer service.



A big share of Miam’s challenges are easy fixes and require minimum efforts to boost the customer experience. 


A young fashion brand with an international and multichannel start

MIAM is a Nordic women’s clothing brand created in 2018. In only 2 years, the team has already been able to create a great marketing mix and a solid foundation for its future retail strategy. The brand has a good reach through its webshop, a design collective store, Dutch resellers and an active social media presence. 


When web-to-store strategy is lacking of counterpart

However, despite having invested a fairly good amount of time, energy and resources in digital platforms, the physical shops were the only channels generating sales. Because of its recent creation, and the premium price range, MIAM team became convinced that the only possible selling points were contained within the walls of a good old bricks and mortar shop. And as the team had no control over the resellers’ digital presence, all they could do was promote the Helsinki store. This web-to-store strategy was considerably narrowing-down the potential reach, focusing only on people who can visit one shop in one city. It was time for this retailer to explore other ways to grow faster. And as multiple channels were already utilized, why couldn’t they enjoy the various benefits of omni-channel retailing?  


A much broader and more integrated perspective

That is why Miia, the business owner and soul of MIAM clothing, was ready to meet up with WERK retail agency and myself to review and optimise her omni-channel retail strategy. We had 2 clear goals in mind for her company: 

  • empower MIAM to create a seamless customer experience, which will increase the sales
  • and accelerate customers acquisition, in the most cost-efficient possible way

To achieve these goals, pysical and digital channels were investigated through different prisms

  • Analytics and performance
  • Omnichannel experience
  • Brand experience
  • Employee experience
  • Personalised experience
  • Shopping experience
  • In-store experience
  • Social experience
  • Organizational competence

In order to be as mindful of Miia’s time as possible, the process only comprised:

  • a 1 hour kickoff meeting
  • a mystery client survey
  • a final 2 hours meeting to present the conclusions of this audit and the top priority recommendations

As for the deliverable, the omni-channel retail evaluation, it encompassed:

  • dashboard visualising the current situation of MIAM omnichannel retail strategy
  • a summary of the most challenging topics for the brand (the top 4 insights)
  • short-termmid-term and long-term action plans, highlighting the low hanging fruits
  • and the full list of all the opportunities spotted and the concrete recommendations for each of them

This thorough analysis enabled us to easily pinpoint the gaps created between the different channels we observed. Many useful elements had been implemented on each marketing and sales arena, however the strategy was deployed quite scatteredly, often resulting in a waste of opportunities and resources.


More clarity and a new mindset: the long-term rewards of the moni-channel evaluation

Even before starting to move to practical action, the client could enjoy a bunch of decisive ideas at the earliest stage of the project

  • a Google Analytics account was implemented on the eshop
  • a list of micro-influencers were found among the existing clients
  • awareness about a set of actions that should be part of the company’s routines

Following a customised grid of assessment, MIAM got a seamless customer experience score of 27%. The audit revealed 39 ways to boost MIAM business, 41% of which were considered as really easy fixes with a real impact. 

When the omni-channel retail final report was delivered, Miia gained more clarity and confidence about her business already. We asked her to rate from 0 to 5 how she felt about several topics during the kickoff and at the end of our mission.

After the last meeting:

  • She was able to define more clearly the areas of her business (sales and marketing strategy) she should prioritize (+1.5)
  • She felt much less overwhelmed by the process of designing her sales and marketing strategy (+2)
  • And she got a bit more clarity regarding what would be the next steps to take her business to the next level online and offline (+0.5)

Curious to know more? Here’s some excellent reading in Finnish. Grab a copy of the seamless customer experience guide or check MIAM case study on WERK’s website.

Diving deeper into SEO triumphs: unveiling more business wins!

SEO strategy for drone rental service in Germany

High-Flying SEO Success for

Another delightful collab with Ansgar Frankenberg from MMEHR, a skillful tech strategist, on behalf of Boris Traskov, an engineer consultant and entrepreneur with an extensive track record of accomplishments within the robotics and UAV sector. Our joint effort was dedicated to enhancing the SEO of a cutting-edge platform catering to professionals across Europe – a drone rental service. Join us as we delve into the realm of innovation and optimization, where technology meets strategy to elevate the visibility of this remarkable venture.


95% Surge in Organic Traffic for an Eco-Guide Within Just 2 Weeks

Alongside Sandrine Dufour, I had the great pleasure of collaborating with a team of superstars, such as Arnaud Hiltzer from Hello Emotion & Yves Saint Lary, to enhance the SEO of the web version of WAG, an eco-coach in both mobile app and website formats, conceptualized by WWF-France. Bursting with an array of guides, tips, and inspiration, WAG aims to seamlessly integrate ecological practices into everyday routines.

Safran Blagnac, Toulouse

A Fresh Breeze Blows on Safran European Works Council's Communication

The Safran European Works Council recognizes the critical role that effective communication plays in engaging stakeholders and fostering a stronger connection. To achieve this objective, we teamed up with Sandrine Dufour to propose an encompassing solution that leverages Mailchimp's advanced capabilities to overhaul their newsletter distribution and contact collection processes. This business case outlines the scope, approach, and benefits of our proposal, guiding Safran EWC toward an innovative and impactful communication strategy.

Groupe Routage’s ranking skyrockets from #90 to #7 on Google

A mailing house in France with several outdated websites had been in the process of centralising its online content under a new domain which they planned to revamp last summer. They asked me to prepare a SEO audit of the old version and share with them my recommendations to optimise the new one. After its launch in August 2019, the organic traffic boomed and has recorded an increase of +220% until the end of November 2019. Their main keyword, “routage postal” escalated from an average rank-90 all the way up to the first page, at the rank-7.

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YOY organic traffic growth

Average organic traffic growth within the first couple of months after the first SEO implementation.


Number of positions by which the ranking on the main targeted keyword improved

The website’s global ranking, comprising a list of 25 keywords, increased on average by 40 positions.


keywords ranking

During the first ranking analysis, before implementing the new SEO strategy, only 14 keywords were ranking somewhere in the first 100th positions on Google. The new version almost doubled up (+80%) the number of keywords tested on which prospects can now find the website.


The client, Groupe Routage, is a mailing house offering a wide range of services from design and printing to mail distribution, including emailing and order preparation for e-commerce businesses. They used to have different websites for each main branch of their activity but decided later on to simplify the strategy and group everything under one brand, therefore, one domain name.

Scope of the mission

The scope included an audit of the main website and recommendations that would be integrated to the brand new version they would launch in the summer.

However, the focus couldn’t be only on the most recent domain if we wanted to make the most of all their existing resources: older domain names with loads of content known and served by Google.


SEO strategy

The SEO strategy relied heavily on content segmentation, internal linking, classic on-page optimisations and 301 redirect management to avoid all waste of resources and visibility on search engines.

This SEO action plan allowed us to enjoy the following benefits:

  • The juice and SEO potential of the outdated websites which were doomed to perish (the organic traffic was drastically decreasing constantly) was redirected to boost the main domain;
  • The content has been enriched to better present the services and sub-categories of services;
  • Guidelines were established as well in order to maximise the connections between the secondary type of content (blog posts, customers testimonials and case studies) and the key pages;
  • All the above actions led to grow the number of pages indexed by +343%, a higher ranking (40 positions higher on average for each keyword of the analysis) on a broader set of keywords (+80%), which ultimately produced a +220% increase of the organic traffic in the following couple of months following the SEO intervention;

Diving deeper into SEO triumphs: unveiling more business wins!

SEO strategy for drone rental service in Germany

High-Flying SEO Success for

Another delightful collab with Ansgar Frankenberg from MMEHR, a skillful tech strategist, on behalf of Boris Traskov, an engineer consultant and entrepreneur with an extensive track record of accomplishments within the robotics and UAV sector. Our joint effort was dedicated to enhancing the SEO of a cutting-edge platform catering to professionals across Europe – a drone rental service. Join us as we delve into the realm of innovation and optimization, where technology meets strategy to elevate the visibility of this remarkable venture.


95% Surge in Organic Traffic for an Eco-Guide Within Just 2 Weeks

Alongside Sandrine Dufour, I had the great pleasure of collaborating with a team of superstars, such as Arnaud Hiltzer from Hello Emotion & Yves Saint Lary, to enhance the SEO of the web version of WAG, an eco-coach in both mobile app and website formats, conceptualized by WWF-France. Bursting with an array of guides, tips, and inspiration, WAG aims to seamlessly integrate ecological practices into everyday routines.

Safran Blagnac, Toulouse

A Fresh Breeze Blows on Safran European Works Council's Communication

The Safran European Works Council recognizes the critical role that effective communication plays in engaging stakeholders and fostering a stronger connection. To achieve this objective, we teamed up with Sandrine Dufour to propose an encompassing solution that leverages Mailchimp's advanced capabilities to overhaul their newsletter distribution and contact collection processes. This business case outlines the scope, approach, and benefits of our proposal, guiding Safran EWC toward an innovative and impactful communication strategy.

How a local pastry catering service tripled its organic traffic

Sebastien Lorentz, a pastry chef located in the south of France launched a website promoting his catering service in February 2018. He addresses the B2C market and has a regional reach.
After a trimester, the organic traffic was booming. On average, the site has tripled its organic traffic ever since.




Average organic traffic growth within the first sixth months after the first SEO implementation. The growth is sustainable because of the business seasonality and thanks to the transfer skills which allowed the clients to take over.



Revenue growth in the first quarter of 2019 compared to the previous year. The SEO was implemented the quarter before. The website was ready for the wedding high-season.


The client launched a website promoting his catering service in February 2018. He addresses the B2C market and has a regional reach. It’s a young and very local business with limited resources but, together with his wife, they’re willing to roll up their sleeves and participate as much as possible. It’s the best foundation to establish a partnership. We collaborated for a trimester to kick start the SEO trafic and set up a few online marketing guidelines that would allow the client to be more autonomous in the future. SEO-wise, the clients have bought a nice domain name but it’s brand new. Besides, the clients are feeding the blog at a high cadency. They don’t have a journalism nor a literature background but this doesn’t prevent them from going full speed on the content strategy.

Scope of the mission

The scope was pretty broad as I wanted to do as much skill transfer as possible, in order to get the best results. SEO, social media and email marketing were part of the overall strategy. A list of tasks and inspirations that the client could undertake was created, and I implemented the missions I considered the most sensitive. By delegating and giving feedback as much as I could, the client got a hands-on experience of some SEO and SoMe best practices.

SEO strategy

The SEO strategy relied on 4 pillars that are described below: optimisation of the content, improvement of Google My Business account and their local SEO and development of the internal linking.

Basic SEO on the existing pages: The whole website enjoyed a SEO friendly pampering, targeting the all the main HTML tags.

Local SEO: The Google My Business account was optimised (more categories, longer descriptions, renaming of the business, more pictures) and the client was encouraged to try out different features as well as reply to every customer feedback (reviews or ratings on Google Maps).

Internal linking: Most of the work was done in the blog section. Categories and tags were cleaned up and new rules were defined to avoid redundancy or empty/low-quality lists.

Inbound marketing: The business is very much event-oriented. Therefore, landing pages dedicated to each main type of event were created to attract a specific target groups and collect qualified leads. They are included in a more complex cluster of contents that are developed on the blog section or on the “portfolio” pages.

Social media strategy

For that aspect of the mission, the clients received SoMe guidelines in the form of Trello tasks encouraging them to invest their time on 2 channels (Youtube and Instagram), to benchmark their competitors, and to interact with and contact influencers.

Email marketing

Among the deliverables, the clients were also provided with a list of ideas of email campaigns they could set up together with recommended emailing marketing tools and instructions regarding the customer data they should collect.

Diving deeper into SEO triumphs: unveiling more business wins!

SEO strategy for drone rental service in Germany

High-Flying SEO Success for

Another delightful collab with Ansgar Frankenberg from MMEHR, a skillful tech strategist, on behalf of Boris Traskov, an engineer consultant and entrepreneur with an extensive track record of accomplishments within the robotics and UAV sector. Our joint effort was dedicated to enhancing the SEO of a cutting-edge platform catering to professionals across Europe – a drone rental service. Join us as we delve into the realm of innovation and optimization, where technology meets strategy to elevate the visibility of this remarkable venture.


95% Surge in Organic Traffic for an Eco-Guide Within Just 2 Weeks

Alongside Sandrine Dufour, I had the great pleasure of collaborating with a team of superstars, such as Arnaud Hiltzer from Hello Emotion & Yves Saint Lary, to enhance the SEO of the web version of WAG, an eco-coach in both mobile app and website formats, conceptualized by WWF-France. Bursting with an array of guides, tips, and inspiration, WAG aims to seamlessly integrate ecological practices into everyday routines.

Safran Blagnac, Toulouse

A Fresh Breeze Blows on Safran European Works Council's Communication

The Safran European Works Council recognizes the critical role that effective communication plays in engaging stakeholders and fostering a stronger connection. To achieve this objective, we teamed up with Sandrine Dufour to propose an encompassing solution that leverages Mailchimp's advanced capabilities to overhaul their newsletter distribution and contact collection processes. This business case outlines the scope, approach, and benefits of our proposal, guiding Safran EWC toward an innovative and impactful communication strategy.

+100% YoY organic traffic for AVIS

I started to work on Avis’s French platform dedicated to van and truck rental last year. The website was losing organic traffic compared to the previous year.
After 3 months, it regained as much traffic as the year before; in the following period, the organic traffic had grown progressively until it reached a +100% improvement.
And it was not the only good surprise!

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The client is a worldwide brand of car and vans rental. In France, the client has a dedicated website for the car rentals and another one for the vans and trucks rental. The target of the latter entails both professionals needing a vehicle for their business, and individuals mainly to organise a moving. The high season starts in spring and last until the end of summer, with micro seasonal peaks after that.

The domain name is only 3 years old and SEO has never been at the core of its digital strategy.

Scope of the mission

An audit and a complete action plan were prepared during the 1st trimester; Then, we followed the technical implementation of the SEO strategy by another team, observed regularly the performances and added one batch of intervention after the 2nd trimester. Monthly reports were also delivered to the client and the technical team.

SEO strategy

In order to get the website’s potential flourish, whereas it was mainly based on an internal search engine (a type of content which is very much SEO unfriendly), the content strategy and its structure had to be completely redesigned so as to provide to the Google bot a nice and rich material to crawl in. Along with the classic SEO that needed to be done on the existing pages, many new lists of vehicles were created. In addition, the website is also now welcoming a cluster of pages evolving around the moving topic, together with a calculator tool, which is meant to meet the end users’ needs.

As a result, we gave Google +51% of content to chew on while we increased the internal linking, to lead the bot to this new content.

Diving deeper into SEO triumphs: unveiling more business wins!

SEO strategy for drone rental service in Germany

High-Flying SEO Success for

Another delightful collab with Ansgar Frankenberg from MMEHR, a skillful tech strategist, on behalf of Boris Traskov, an engineer consultant and entrepreneur with an extensive track record of accomplishments within the robotics and UAV sector. Our joint effort was dedicated to enhancing the SEO of a cutting-edge platform catering to professionals across Europe – a drone rental service. Join us as we delve into the realm of innovation and optimization, where technology meets strategy to elevate the visibility of this remarkable venture.


95% Surge in Organic Traffic for an Eco-Guide Within Just 2 Weeks

Alongside Sandrine Dufour, I had the great pleasure of collaborating with a team of superstars, such as Arnaud Hiltzer from Hello Emotion & Yves Saint Lary, to enhance the SEO of the web version of WAG, an eco-coach in both mobile app and website formats, conceptualized by WWF-France. Bursting with an array of guides, tips, and inspiration, WAG aims to seamlessly integrate ecological practices into everyday routines.

Safran Blagnac, Toulouse

A Fresh Breeze Blows on Safran European Works Council's Communication

The Safran European Works Council recognizes the critical role that effective communication plays in engaging stakeholders and fostering a stronger connection. To achieve this objective, we teamed up with Sandrine Dufour to propose an encompassing solution that leverages Mailchimp's advanced capabilities to overhaul their newsletter distribution and contact collection processes. This business case outlines the scope, approach, and benefits of our proposal, guiding Safran EWC toward an innovative and impactful communication strategy.

Getting into the SEO mindset 3/3

SEO mindset

Welcome to the third blog in a three part series about how to get more qualified traffic to your website with the 3 main pillars of SEO. This entire series is about mind over matter, and to emphasize that you don’t need technical training to implement SEO! A Search Engine Optimization approach is more a mindset than a technical framework, and it comes down to being user-centric and keeping your users at the forefront of your mind.

I’m leading with the mind over matter idea today because in this blog we’ll be covering the final pillar of SEO – the technical details of your website. For entrepreneurs and small business owners who might have the feelings of overwhelm start creeping in at the first mention of tech, no worries, this blog is for you! My intention with this series is to help encourage the SEO mindset and provide practical tools that can easily be used by all right away.

As a helpful reminder, boosting your website traffic does not only reply on these technical details of your SEO strategy, the 3 main pillars of SEO really build upon one another to create an amazing experience for your users, so if you haven’t checked out the other blogs in the series covering the first 2 pillars, you can do so here and here.


A quick in-a-flash rehash of the 3 key pillars of SEO that will help get more qualified traffic to your website. 
Keywords  – The more the merrier! Generic keywords vs. long-tail keywords. Choosing Understandability over originality.
— Architecture of the Website – Detailed articulation. Mirroring your Sections. (Pro-tip: the SEO mindset is REALLY utilized here).
— The Technical Implementations – URL Rewriting. Crawlable content. Etc (keep reading for more!

Let’s Get a tiny bit Technical

When you have a product or service you’re proud of, and you’re just starting out in your business, it can feel disappointing when you aren’t able to share your product with people simply because it’s not getting enough visibility on the web to get the word out. To boost your visibility with SEO, you don’t need to be a robot, but you do want to pay close attention to the technical details of your website so your work is getting the views it deserves.

The tech details of your website make a huge difference, so I advise you to check out this simple tool you can use to find the technical errors on your website:

This tool is invaluable in guaranteeing your visibility success and is easy to use even if tech stuff doesn’t normally feel like it’s something in your wheelhouse.

Solopreneurs and small business owners often ask, “How can I get featured on Google?” The answer is that you can’t! Google decides whether or not they want to display your website as a featured snippet or not, which is what makes it even more important that you’re putting a focus on developing a fully functioning SEO implementation for your website. In addition to your keywords and architecture, the technical details of your website will make a major difference in how visible you are, as well as how user-centric and accessible your website is.

Here’s a few common technical errors that can happen that will be fairly easy to fix:

URL Rewriting

If we think back to the first two pillars of SEO – keywords, and the architecture of the website, you’ll recognize that one of the main goals Search Engine Optimization is bringing to your website is more pages overall (that hopefully eventually leads your users back to your money pages!) With all of these nicely crafted pages on your website, you’ll want to ensure that each and every page has a unique and user-friendly URL – that includes your smartly concocted keywords.


While designing your SEO approach, you want to make sure that the links throughout your website are not hidden; as well as ensuring that the links are explicitly designed for the dear Google bots. The most definitive form of a link is the text form; though it may seem more interesting to use an image or some animation, the text form is ultimately more user-centric and therefore more beloved (and noticeable) to the Google bots.

Mobile Version

One of the biggest pro-tips I can encourage while addressing the technical details of your site is to make sure your mobile version is optimized for Google because the mobile version is Google’s favorite version now.

It’s no surprise in 2021 that many people have moved primarily to using mobile devices for a majority of their online business, shopping, searching, and connecting. The tendency that has been observed, is that many businesses simplify the mobile version of their website, but by doing so you may be hiding or getting rid of SEO elements such as the internal links you’ve carefully crafted. Be aware that doing this will have an impact on your SEO. Google will prioritize the content that is displayed on the mobile version of your website, and will index that in priority. Keeping the SEO mindset strong while creating the mobile version of your website is going to be super beneficial to your user’s experience, and to boosting your traffic!

Speed Racer

Tying in with the times, the page speed of your website is also very important. Just to reiterate, Google is extremely user-centric, so if the experience on your website could be likened to a natural disaster because the pages take ages to load, then Google will not rank your page highly.

A fantastic free tool to use to check the speed of your website is PageSpeed Insights. Pro-tip: when using this tool you’ll want to check ALL your different types of pages because they will have different technical elements, so make sure to do a quick run through of not only your homepage, but also your product page, blog, testimonials, etc.

Bonus points

Another question I get asked often that goes hand-in-hand with your technical implementations, and all 3 of the key pillars of SEO, is what platform to use in creating a website. I recommend using WordPress  as it is really SEO friendly and is going to help highlight your user-centric mindset and all the good work you have put into your Search Engine Optimization implementation.

I’ve personally found that SquareSpace and Wix can be very limited in their internal linking. Whichever platform you choose, remember to keep an SEO mindset front and center as you are researching the different elements and design of the platform. 

Keep going

One of the coolest things I’ve experienced in my own journey as a solo entrepreneur, is to see how all small business owners and solopreneurs are bringing their unique stories, talents, and products into the world. I hope these simple steps to focusing on your content strategy have helped encourage you to start thinking in the SEO mindset in order to boost your visibility and share your story with the world. The longer I’m on this adventure, I realize a lot of life is about the attitude we approach it with, and this can be applied in every aspect of the way you build your business from the ground up. Thanks for being on the journey with me.

More thoughts about SEO and stuff

SEO mindset

Getting Into the SEO Mindset, PRO-Tips Take Two (2/3)

In this blog, we’ll be covering the second of the three main pillars of SEO - the architecture of your website. However, I want to call out that the first pillar of SEO, identifying your keywords, really helps to inspire a user-centric mindset for your SEO approach, and leads you more naturally into addressing the architecture of your website.

SEO mindset

Getting Into the SEO Mindset with Entrepreneurs of Finland (1/3)

Mind over Matter, sharing stories, getting content with content, and becoming user-centric maniacs with Entrepreneurs of Finland! Check out the first blog in a series on Boosting Your Website Traffic with SEO inspired by my experience leading a webinar with the awesome Entrepreneurs of Finland. SEO Pillars & Pro-Tips included.

Yes, you need more pages for good indexation - SEO helsinki

Do you really need more pages on your website? All signs point to yes.

A fully realized SEO approach is powerful because it continues to build itself on this simple foundation. Increasing the amount of pages Google knows about your website will not only be improving your visibility, but you will also be building your brand, raising your credibility, and reaching your target audience on an elevated level.

Getting Into the SEO Mindset, PRO-Tips Take Two (2/3)

SEO mindset

This is the second blog in a three part series about boosting your website traffic with SEO from a recent webinar I presented for Entrepreneurs of Finland and for Your Digi Guide. I’ve seen time and again that there is a lot of enthusiasm for this topic, so I’m hoping to provide some easy to implement SEO pro-tips that will help motivate your SEO attitude. My intention is to create a resource business owners and solopreneurs can easily refer back to as a reminder of some simple practical tools that can be used every day to boost your website traffic as you are building your business.

In this blog, we’ll be covering the second of the three main pillars of SEO –  the architecture of your website. However, I want to call out that the first pillar of SEO, identifying your keywords, really helps to inspire a user-centric mindset for your SEO approach, and leads you more naturally into addressing the architecture of your website. So if you haven’t checked out the first blog in this series yet, you can do so here: Getting Into the SEO Mindset with Entrepreneurs of Finland (1/2)


As the founder of Frank’r and a solo entrepreneur myself, I’ve made it my mission to help other startup founders and biz dreamers get more qualified traffic to their website to help build their business by using SEO. Search Engine Optimization has the potential to be beneficial to boosting your business growth on many levels, so let’s do a quick recap of the 3 key pillars of SEO that will up your optimization ethos. These pillars will build upon and compliment one another as you apply them in your SEO implementation.

Let’s start with the 3 pillars of seo


The more the merrier! Generic keywords vs. long-tail keywords. Choosing Understandability over originality.

Architecture of the website

Detailed articulation. Mirroring your Sections. (Pro-tip: the SEO mindset is REALLY utilized here).

Technical implementations

URL Rewriting. Crawlable content. (This part is actually extra important, you may even want to consider it the backbone of your SEO strategy! If the technical implementations are done incorrectly, then all the energy you’ve put into the first two stages is wasted).

Architecture – how to ensure your website is not a house of cards

Much like the importance of the architecture of a building, the architecture of your website is pivotal in determining the integrity and structural soundness of your website. While designing the architecture in your mind, and in real life on your site, you really want to check your SEO attitude as this is where the mindset is really utilized. The architecture of your website is an easy, and almost universal way to articulate your content in an optimized way; and is probably the part of your Search Engine Optimization strategy where you’ll get the greatest added value.

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My pro-tip is to put an emphasis on the importance of an SEO mindset being applied here. No matter what your context; whether your business is B2B or B2C, or whether you sell a service or a product, whether you’re in the food industry or tech – you are very likely to be able to smoothly use most of the following types of content and segment them in an (almost) universal way on your website to optimize your SEO strategy.

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Mirror, mirror

Here is where the pro-tip comes in, now that you have an idea of ALL these different types of content you can use on your website, the trick is to apply what I call a mirror structure. While implementing your SEO strategy, you’re going to mirror the way you segment your product and/or service; for example, if you split your product per characteristics of your audience, you will apply the exact same logic to segment your complimentary content – such as blog content, case studies, testimonials, etc.

For a nice architectural structure of your website – that is guaranteed to BOOST your traffic – you’ll want to have an almost identical structure between your money pages and all the content that is built to support your money pages. This will increase your visibility as well as giving you layers of options to use the keywords you lovingly developed in multiple places across your website, not just on your products and/or service page.

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Building bridges

The next step, now that you’ve created this lovely similar mirroring environment, is that you need to build bridges between all your different types of content that lead to your money pages. This is called internal linking, and this beautiful tool is going to send juice to where the magic (your biz!) happens. Basically your blog pages, case studies, testimonials, and so on, are there to receive links that will point users to where your lead generation, or where your sales happens, possibly bridging the gap between potential client to actual client.

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Show me the money

While planning your website out, and prepping your SEO mindset, I suggest exploring as much as you can, do some research on competitor’s websites, as well as websites of companies you like, because implementing this structure well is going to create a rich internal linking that will boost your money pages. A concrete example that I like to refer to is Jamie Oliver’s website, which is a good example of dense internal linking. Don’t be afraid to get curious!

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Attitude adjustment

Applying an SEO-centered mindset and thought process to the architecture of your website is a clear path to success when it comes to visibility for your product. I hope these easy tips and tricks are helpful as you build your website and build your business. The added value to your biz will soon become apparent, brick by brick, or blog by blog if you will.

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Next in the series, I’ll cover the backbone of boosting your website traffic with SEO – the technical details. This third pillar brings all your hard work together to perform best for you in harmony.

More thoughts about SEO and stuff

SEO mindset

Getting into the SEO mindset 3/3

Welcome to the third blog in a three part series about how to get more qualified traffic to your website with the 3 main pillars of SEO. This entire series is about mind over matter, and to emphasize that you don’t need technical training to implement SEO! A Search Engine Optimization approach is more a mindset than a technical framework, and it comes down to being user-centric and keeping your users at the forefront of your mind.

SEO mindset

Getting Into the SEO Mindset with Entrepreneurs of Finland (1/3)

Mind over Matter, sharing stories, getting content with content, and becoming user-centric maniacs with Entrepreneurs of Finland! Check out the first blog in a series on Boosting Your Website Traffic with SEO inspired by my experience leading a webinar with the awesome Entrepreneurs of Finland. SEO Pillars & Pro-Tips included.

Yes, you need more pages for good indexation - SEO helsinki

Do you really need more pages on your website? All signs point to yes.

A fully realized SEO approach is powerful because it continues to build itself on this simple foundation. Increasing the amount of pages Google knows about your website will not only be improving your visibility, but you will also be building your brand, raising your credibility, and reaching your target audience on an elevated level.

SEO mission for a training center in innovative psychology

CIPsy (or the Psychological Intervention Center) is a Psychotherapy Training Center in Paris offering short training sessions for Psychology professionals in new forms of innovative therapies. Prior to the pandemic, they mainly focused on their in-person training. In the post-COVID world, they have moved their sessions online and the center saw a lack of attention and interest.  Cipsy enlisted my help with the goal of ensuring improved visibility on Google, and I’m glad to report we are seeing a healthy increase in organic traffic allowing easier access to view CIPsy’s offerings. Let’s take a look at some of the steps we took.

Visit website


organic traffic growth in 4 months


visibility on the top 3


positions gained on average


The CIPsy center started as a way to offer workshops on the evolving and innovative research being carried out in behavioral health. The center serves a small group of professionals, psychologists, and psychiatrists, and is based in Paris where they have previously offered in-person sessions. Since the pandemic, the center has had the opportunity to connect with more clientele by offering online workshops, though they were not easily accessible for interested users to find them online.


The CIPsy training center was difficult to find online, even for people who knew them and had previously taken courses with them, so they were definitely losing out on connecting with potential new clients who may be searching for trainings and professional development. CIPsy’s founder, Benoit Henaut, recognized the importance of being easily accessible on Google, but was unsure how to attain this. Though the center was offering dynamic courses with well-renowned teachers, through some first step analysis I discovered their website had several issues with the main headings used throughout the website not containing needed keywords, and a lack of appropriate keywords in general that made the website inaccessible for most organic traffic. I found another issue that was decreasing CIPsy’s visibility on Google was a lack of a menu to organize the trainings in an easily searchable fashion. I also discovered a tiered breadcrumb on the website that had been set up incorrectly and was missing layers of the architecture of the website, therefore rendering it unhelpful in driving traffic..

Some Starting Points for Discovery

  • Feedback from current clients who could not locate CIPsy on Google
  • ~100 organic users per month before intervention.
  • Based on 40 keywords, the website ranked top 3 on only 3 keywords.


I implemented an SEO for training center approach to the website in a few different ways. First, I optimized the existing content that had already been created, including the title info on each page, the main headings, and text throughout the website. I had identified a list of 40 keywords, that would be more competitive and relevant based on CIPsy’s content, and the optimization process included a focus on making sure appropriate keywords were amply used throughout all website text–for example including “training” and “psychotherapy” in many text headings.I also did a restructuring of the website content to give more depth to the catalogue section. A major outcome of this restructure was to create a menu that would more pertinently link specific trainings to their correct categories, as well as suggested creating additional categories. With SEO drive in mind, I worked on the internal linking of the website, with the menu being a component of that, as well as internal linking updates made to the breadcrumb to drive traffic to the appropriate section.

I wanted to make sure a spotlight was really on the fantastic workshops being offered, so I added extra linkings to the training pages, and basically organized the website in a way that all traffic is directed back to the training page so viewers are exposed to the training options. One method I used to achieve this was to add extra links to each instructor’s own bio page that directs users back to the trainings they offer.


With the SEO marketing approach, CIPsy is seeing empowering outcomes:

  • Based on the created list of 40 keywords, the website now ranks in the top 3 on 22 keywords (+733% visibility on the top 3), and on the 1st page on 26 keywords (+236% visibility on the top 10)
  • The average position of the website is now 6.2 on Google (on all the 40 keywords): +45,4 positions gained on average.
  • These results led to an increase of +268.39% of organic traffic from mid-June until mid-October.

Let’s talk about your online marketing strategy

You don’t need extravagant resources to reach interesting results, relevant for the size of your organisation. The most important thing is probably your involvement in the project. If you want to collaborate with me, drop me a line.

Diving deeper into SEO triumphs: unveiling more business wins!

SEO strategy for drone rental service in Germany

High-Flying SEO Success for

Another delightful collab with Ansgar Frankenberg from MMEHR, a skillful tech strategist, on behalf of Boris Traskov, an engineer consultant and entrepreneur with an extensive track record of accomplishments within the robotics and UAV sector. Our joint effort was dedicated to enhancing the SEO of a cutting-edge platform catering to professionals across Europe – a drone rental service. Join us as we delve into the realm of innovation and optimization, where technology meets strategy to elevate the visibility of this remarkable venture.


95% Surge in Organic Traffic for an Eco-Guide Within Just 2 Weeks

Alongside Sandrine Dufour, I had the great pleasure of collaborating with a team of superstars, such as Arnaud Hiltzer from Hello Emotion & Yves Saint Lary, to enhance the SEO of the web version of WAG, an eco-coach in both mobile app and website formats, conceptualized by WWF-France. Bursting with an array of guides, tips, and inspiration, WAG aims to seamlessly integrate ecological practices into everyday routines.

Safran Blagnac, Toulouse

A Fresh Breeze Blows on Safran European Works Council's Communication

The Safran European Works Council recognizes the critical role that effective communication plays in engaging stakeholders and fostering a stronger connection. To achieve this objective, we teamed up with Sandrine Dufour to propose an encompassing solution that leverages Mailchimp's advanced capabilities to overhaul their newsletter distribution and contact collection processes. This business case outlines the scope, approach, and benefits of our proposal, guiding Safran EWC toward an innovative and impactful communication strategy.